This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

Tom Brewster 21 comment(s)

Tom: Hello! Another week, is it? We’re slowly reassembling ourselves after a slight schedule-bump around the UK Games Expo, and we’ve got a full stack of content for you. It’s a big wobbly tower in my hands, picture it! WeyUughH! WahhooOO! WoaoAOAA! Wasn’t that fun?!

On either Wednesday or Thursday, I’ve got a video review! This one is a little spicy, and I’m having lots of fun editing it – expect a fairly chunky box that works less well than you want it to (welcome to Kickstarter!).

Then, on Friday, we’re podcasting! I’m not entirely sure what stack of games will make it to pod-town, but know that it’ll likely be packed with games, stuffed with surprises! Perhaps some chat about Rush M.D? A chuckle over some Wormholes? Or maybe some first impressions of Undaunted: Stalingrad?

What have you been chatting about, chuckling over, or… impressing… this week, everyone?