Podcast #73: The 2017 Pearple’s Choice Awards!

a family show, the award for best quintin, a middle finger to the march of time

Who’s this, arriving fashionably late in a limousine? Why, it’s only a new podcast discussing the winners of the 2017 Pearple’s Choice Awards! Quickly, cinch up your black tie or crawl into the nearest dress before joining us on a discussion of the best games of last year. There’s reflection on Gloomhaven, Sagrada, Inis, Captain Sonar, Fog of Love, Azul, Consulting Detective, Twilight Imperium 4th edition and so, so much more. You also get to hear the team collapse in on themselves like a dying star when exposed to the madness of the Best Expansion category. Just what is an expansion for?! Huge thanks to forum user clg9000 for organising such a fun event. New podcast feeds (if you’re missing episodes 71, 72 and 73 try these): iTunes Google Play RSS for your favourite player

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Podcast #72: Climbing Mount London

IS THIS THE END FOR OUR HEROES?! Matt, Paul and Quinns were last seen launching an expedition to get to the top of the Shut Up & Sit Down review stack. They talked about wanting to scale games like Mountaineers, A Tale of Pirates, The Climbers, the second edition of London and the Munchkin Collectible Card Game (which actually sounded… quite good?). They were also talking about getting to the bottom of a thought-provoking reader mail. It’s rumoured that it questioned whether pirating board games became an ethical grey area in some countries. Today we found this recording. It’s the only evidence we could find that they’re still alive. Come home safe, boys. New feeds (if you’re missing episodes 71 and 72 try these): iTunes Google Play RSS for your favourite player

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Podcast #71: The Dragonholt Assault on Fake Eggs

Matt and Paul regroup for a post-festive ramble through the wilderness of sentient cardboard. Paul shares some thoughts on Legacy of Dragonholt and Celestia – which Matt is comedically unable to recall too clearly. Meanwhile, Matt has been toying with the free co-op app for Imperial Assault – and compares his experiences with this to the recently-reviewed Gloomhaven, for your pleasure / horror. We then talk a little about the shocking phenomenon of fake board games, as covered by Paul in this week’s news, and finally cap off the first pod of the year by addressing the hard-hitting issue of S.N.A.C.K.S. Basically, Paul is mildly interrogated about cookies. Who – in truth – is the real cookie monster? Only the cold hands of time will decide. Thanks for listening!

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Podcast #70: Trading Shady Trees

the paul cannon, the walnut sprout, squid gym membership

Who’s feeling cosy? In this final, festive podcast of 2017 Matt and Quinns tuck themselves beneath the Christmas tree before cutting it down for victory points. That was an oblique reference to the first game the pair discuss, the noble Photosynthesis. The boys then get far too excited about cubes and the possibilities thereof in the absurd game Sidereal Confluence: Trading and Negotiation in the Elysian Quadrant. They then discuss Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, the new Games Workshop board game showcasing beefy people hitting one another with hammers. Finally, we read out a heartwarming love letter to the Play By Forum section of the SU&SD forum, and read out our last ever Folk Game of the Month, with a little discussion about depictions of mental health in fiction. Best wishes to everyone who has trouble at this time of year.

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Podcast #69: An Erotic Scottish Village

paul's billage, um bongo: legacy, library gnomes, tired biclists

Oh my goodness! Apologies if anyone was looking for a board game, we seem to have them all here. In this 69th instalment of the SU&SD podcast Paul chats about Charterstone and explains Ex Libris. Matt is fascinated by Fabled Fruit, Fast Forward: Fortress and Fast Forward: Flee. Quinns catalogues Clans of Caledonia and flaps his lips about the Flamme Rouge: Peloton expansion as well as the free Flamme Rouge app, which contains all-new game mechanics. Importantly, we also have our new podcast feed set up and working. If you’re not seeing episodes 68 or 69 in your podcast feed then you’re subscribed to the wrong feed. Search for “Shut Up & Sit Down” in your podcast player until you find this new, improved feed that has the latest episodes, and delete the old feed (which you can see here). Thanks for listening, everybody!

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Podcast #68: Brotherly Love and Troublesome Pies

steve buscemi, a chocolate onion, is it a Fibonacci thing

Matt and Quinns took to the stage at PAX Unplugged for this Very Special Phillysode! The first segment, “Card games that made us feel bad”, includes chat about Capital Lux, Hanamikoji and Plums. Then there’s “Eurogames that are actually quite good”, featuring Pie Town and Altiplano. Finally, the boys move onto their game of the show, and possibly the year: Jacob Jaskov’s Fog of Love. Surprising no-one, Matt and Quinns’ first simulated relationship had chemistry but was horrible for everyone involved. This podcast was followed by an extensive audience Q&A which can be found here in our video of the event. The boys were asked to recommend an out-of-print game, how they pick games during a game night, which video they most enjoyed putting together, whether Matt’s hair is affected by the tides and more! The answers may surprise you.

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Podcast #67: Spanish Tiles and Surprise Rats

quintin's bad christmas, spoiler: there's a disease, paranormal paul

Sixty six podcasts. Can you imagine such a thing? Try and picture sixty six podcasts lying jumbled-up in a big pile. You can’t, can you? Well, today we’ve made things even stranger by releasing the 67th SU&SD podcast, a spoooOOOoooky Halloween special in which we forgot to do any Halloween-related content of any kind. Instead we talk about how Matt’s been groovin’ on Gloomhaven, Paul “actually really quite likes” Azul, Quinns did his Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 review and there’s even talk of the blue beast that is Lisboa. Lovely stuff! (It all goes downhill towards the end, though, with Quinns trying to coin the word “handfeel” and begging Paul to review Sidereal Confluence instead of Charterstone. When will that boy get it together?)

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Podcast #66: The Post-SHUX Yingisode

pip can't wink, quinns can't identify clipart, matt can't go to the edge of darkness

Our 66th ever podcast has been removed, hot & crispy, from the aging oven of our minds! In this instalment Matt, Paul and Quinns try and unpick all of the games they played at SHUX 2017. That means chat about Shifty Eyed Spies, Bargain QuestHanamikoji, Edge of Darkness, Space Base, When I Dream and Quinns getting a bit aggressive about Meeple Circus (again). We also preview the upcoming expansions for Inis and Lords of Vegas, which we had literally no idea were going to be playable at our own event. Finally, we can’t resist closing the podcast with a tease of the gigantic reviews we’re all working on right now. Quinns is playing Pandemic Legacy: Season 2, Matt’s enjoying Gloomhaven, and Paul’s about to crack open his copy of Charterstone. It’s going to be a fun end to the year, everybody!

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Podcast #65: Every Dog Has His Donner

Flip Flip Pancake, Urine Tokens, A Pyre of Praise, What Is Dogs

Drop everything! Our 65th ever podcast is live, Paul is talking about A Dog’s Life and Quinns is on about something called Yummy Yummy Pancake. These are the releases you’ve been waiting for, right? …No? Not to worry. We’ve also got Quinns’ exclusive thoughts on the new Netrunner core set and Paul’s advance review of Unearth, as well as chatter about Legend of the Five Rings, Donner Dinner Party and Cities of Splendor. Also, Quinns has finally played the game that Paul called Uwe Rosenberg’s greatest work ever, A Feast for Odin. Will the pair agree, or will this be Caverna all over again? Enjoy, everybody!

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Podcast #64: Dolphins Are People Too

lying about bluffing about cheating, a dog on a horse, an accidental tease, the best bird

Buckle up, everybody! The 64th ever Shut Up & Sit Down podcast is here, and it’s something of a round the world special. It’s Quinns and Paul in the driver’s seat once again as they discuss their journey Between Two Cities with the new Capitals expansion. Paul’s desperate to discuss the weird creatures he met during Train Heist. The pair examine the fast cars and small components of Pit Crew. Quinns abruptly remembers that he has the first expansion for Captain Sonar, and talks about that a bit. Finally, Paul recalls his time in parts unknown, playing World Championship Russian Roulette. But our automotive notions don’t stop there! This week we have a particularly extravagant folk game played by the employees of a car rental business. What’s going on behind that plain-looking desk? More than you could imagine. Enjoy, everybody.

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