Podcast #101: Donkeys Behind Enemy Lines

Donkeys in the DMZ, psychic shops, Don't mention the CIA, please stop asking about the money

Ringing in the new year with a podcast recorded *checks notes* … last year, Matt and Quinns are coming right at you from PAX Unplugged, with a plethora of exciting games to chat about. If you’d rather watch this episode and pretend you were there, we’ve got you covered with a lovely “YouTube Video“. It’ll never catch on.

If you’ve been missing the podcast over the last few months, don’t be alarmed – we’ll be back in regular action very soon. Thanks all!

Thanks again to our amazing community for creating these podcast transcripts – usually completed within a week of the podcast’s release.

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Podcast #100: International Trouser Accidents

Raccoon Art, when gel goes wrong, Suspicious Wizards in your area

Congratulations all, you’ve made it! It’s the very 100th Shut Up and Sit Down podcast! Gosh, the podcast hill is so high up here that I’m pretty sure I can see episode 43, fumbling around in that bush with a sandwich.

Matt and Quinns are briefly joined by Pip for an sleep-deprived natter about some interesting games. Obscurio (16:14) sounds like Wizard-Dixit with traitors, and incredibly summoned a cheer from the crowd simply for use of the word “acetate”. Tumblin’ Dice (21:05) got a little love, but probably deserves more than anyone can give it, before Matt then went on to talk about playing the award-winning RPG Mothership (24:50) – a sci-fi horror system that conveys the relatable experience of waking up after a very long time and immediately being attacked by stress.

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Podcast #99.9 – My Hungry, Sleepy Civilization

Quinns can't pronounce cacao?, Mr. Snap, an actual census, feather-lovin'

In what is still definitely *not* our 100th episode, Quinns and intern Ben are grappling with some truly epic boxes. As is the SU&SD motto, “We grap so you don’t have to.” For starters, these two summon the energy to discuss their 12 hour(!) game of Western Empires (02:32). Then there’s chat about the byzantine challenges of hit Kickstarter games Cloudspire (18:05) and Skulk Hollow (29:38). Quinns reveals he can’t pronounce cacao in a segment on sprawling eurogame Teotihuacan: City of Gods (37:05), before the two round things off with some lighter games, namely Yokai (43:06), Detective Club (46:57), and Combo Fighter (53:06). Thanks to our amazing community, podcast transcripts are available here, and are usually completed within a week of the podcast’s release.

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Podcast #99¾ – Running from the Board Game Police

a bounty of beans, an unexpected tribunal, an underworld panty raid, breasticles

In this episode, Matt, Quinns and Ben report live from a secret hideout. Matt’s been breaking the rules of Gloomhaven (discussed at 26:54) while Quinns has been ignoring the laws of new, superb expansion Bunny Kingdom: In the Sky (50:12), and the cops could bust them at any moment. The group also discuss the bizarre Undo games (02:56), the video game-inspired Super Motherload (10:05), the delightfully three-dimensional ShipShape (20:42), the wild grasping of Lords of Hellas (36:20) and the disappointment of Cerberus (48:02). Thanks to our amazing community, podcast transcripts are available here, and are usually completed within a week of the podcast’s release.

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Podcast #99: Sea Football

how small is sand?, which sheeps are you?, and how do i anxiety?

Matt, Quinns and Ben are circling podcast #100 like talkative nerds circling a numerical drain. Quickly! Before they slip away, why not listen to them talk about the games? On this podcast there’s chat about party game We’re Doomed! (02:23), classic card game For Sale (10:00), 2010 smash hit Alien Frontiers (15:40), the enigmatic Wooly Wars (23:26), hot new box Air, Land & Sea (30:03) and Kickstarter behemoth Cerebria: The Inside World (40:11). There’s also a lovely reader mail this week asking which games have the best Endgame Energy. In news that continues to blow our minds, podcast transcripts are available here courtesy of our fabulous community, and are usually completed within a week of the podcast’s release. Also, if you’re a geologist who would like to contribute to our discussion of sand, please do leave a comment. We’re clearly idiots, and we need all the facts that we can get.

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Podcast #98: Seize My Silky Rails

essenquakes, expansion schnapps, sleepy engineers, and big ol' worms

Having just arrived back from Belgium’s fantastic Zomerspel tabletop convention, Matt and Quinns were inspired by Belgian chips to create this episode of our award-winning podcast. It’s long, crunchy, filling and if you eat nothing except this podcast then you will probably die? Games discussed in this episode include the fascinating Taverns of Tiefan Thal (01:51), the taut little Feld game Carpe Diem (13:48), the simple-yet-delightful Luxor (26:47), the gross-yet-charming Silk (33:13) and the simply superb Rail Pass (49:37). Matt and Quinns also discuss some of the video reviews they’ve been working on, including Pipeline (1:00:58) and Too Many Bones (1:06:54). Enjoy, everybody!

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Podcast #97: Meeting Your Shadow Self and Other Excitements

smooth moves, secret families, lost letters, and loose dinos

Fans of our award-winning board game podcast should know that the pod-apult is armed and ready. Contained in today’s payload are impressions of the party game Stay Cool (02:45), the excellent Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid (09:01), the frighteningly intense Letter Jam (21:42), the adorable Welcome to Dino World (29:22), the heavy roll’n’write Rome and Roll (38:19) and the world’s first “boxed megagame”, Vampire: The Masquerade – Blood Feud (43:28). Finally, following on from team SU&SD having recently discovered the joy of using pencils to write on paper, we’ve just now learned about BOOKS! Specifically, the book Top 10 Games You Can Play In Your Head, By Yourself (49:35). Enjoy, everybody.

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Podcast #96: Dipping With The Druids

cowboys vs. angels, lu bu vs. king arthur, batman vs. your free time

Just who are druids? What are they doing? And is it safe to “dip” with them? We can’t be sure, but we can tell you that the following games are discussed in this podcast: tableau-builder Res Arcana (02:38), cuboid contest Dice Throne (11:50), hidden role game Insider (20:10), cult hit Three Kingdoms Redux (26:56), new expansion Isle of Skye: Druids (37:21) and the staggering in scale Batman: Gotham City Chronicles (42:47). At last, we close out the podcast with a tempting question from our mailbag (55:54). If we could force board game fans the world over play one thing, what would we choose? Thanks to our fabulous community, podcast transcripts are available here, and are usually completed within a week of the podcast’s release.

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Podcast #95: The Danish Crisis

A Small Ham, A Terrible Roundabout, Quintin's Simulated Subconscious

In this special episode of our award-winning podcast, Matt and Quinns talk about their trip to Danish board game convention Fastaval. Games discussed include the superb Hansa Teutonica (02:56), the as-yet unannounced Deep Blue (12:02), the also-unannounced Auto (15:50), Flamme Rouge’s unnamed campaign expansion (24:05), That’s Not Lemonade (35:43) and Mid-Life Crisis (45:23). Finally, we close with a discussion of Fastaval itself, and what makes it so magical (59:18). Is it the terrifying, viking-like cleaning crew? Is it the black tie award ceremony? Is it the unparalleled gender equality, or the world-class roleplaying games? It’s all of these things, and more. Huge thanks to the organisers for choosing us as this year’s guests of honour.

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Podcast #94: Seven Players, Exchanging Bananas

clomping in circles, desperate for citrus, almost eating the intern

Recently, Quinns was tasked with hosting a 7 player game night, and rose to the challenge with Herculean vigour. In this episode, Matt, Quinns and intern Kylie discuss his breathtaking efforts. That means talking about Watson & Holmes (03:00), Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space (12:14), and a little card game called Bourré (19:55). Incidentally, Bourré is probably the only time that SU&SD will ever crossover with the NBA. Afterwards, the group slims down for a chat about some 3 player games, namely Gùgōng (27:34) and Chinatown (38:30). Finally, the team answers a quick reader mail asking what table is best for board gaming. Big or small? Square or circle? That’s right! We are beyond parody.

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