Review: Five Three Five

Pesky Inner Voices, I’m Sorry About The Loud Bit, Just a Nice Little Game

Tom is taking a look at Five Three Five this week – a charming little imported game that’s got a lovely bit of shine hidden underneath its meteorological exterior. Similar in nature to recent world-dominating favourite SCOUT – has this slim little box got what it takes to dethrone the king? Have a little watch… to find out…

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Podcast #230 – It’s a Numbers Game

Dentistry Special, Mistaken eBaying, Crab Diorama

On this 3-digit episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Pip are chatting about 003 different games, and scoring NO POINTS for it! First up is the light deduction puzzler The Number, followed by a retrospective and sleepy chat about Broom Service. We tie things up by talking about the much-hyped Sea Salt & Paper, trying to get BIG BLUE POINTS in the BIG BLUE SEA.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Review: Golem

Get That Golem, ‘Good’ Eurogames, A Specific Shelf, Thematic Concerns

Golem is a eurogame! More than that; it’s the eurogame – something of a symbol for how Tom’s feeling these days. Is it good? Does it tackle its subject matter well? Does it shunt something else from the collection? Find out in just 12 of your remaining minutes…

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Podcast #229 – The Triple Animal Special!

Goose Envy, Roadside Attraction, Hansa: Still Worthy of Love

On this hastily-themed episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Quinns are nipping through a triathlon of games that have some amount of animals in them. First up, Tom digs out the practically ancient Zooloretto for an enticing retrospective, before having a chunky chat about another recent Devir small-box wonder; 3 Ring Circus. Closing out the pod; Feed the Kraken – a be-dumbification of hidden role games featuring a large watery friend.
Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Podcast #228 – Best Nemeses!

Best Friend of the Show, Worst Enemy of the Show, A Mystic In Morrison’s

On this confrontational episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and “NEW POD PERSONALITY PIP” chat about a whole cluster of games! First, the pair divine the precise co-ordinates of a sweet potato in Tiwanaku, before bearing witness to the unholy power of fire in Iki. To close out the pod, Tom recommends Pip try out Block Party, a game of making a detailed carrot from cubes.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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This August In Shut Up & Sit Down!


I’ve been internally referring to August as ‘Big Month’ for the past few weeks but the more time I spend sort-of-planning-it-out the more I realise a better way to describe it might be ‘CHAOS MONTH’.

We’ve got some videos planned! What are they, and when are they coming out? Science bears no answers.

Podcasts? Oh yeah, we’ve got a few, and they’ll be near your ears… soon? Yeah, probably! Help.

Please bear with us, for August is the month that we’re actually launching the studio stuff to donors at the same time as both Matt and Quinns taking time off. I’m truly laying the train track whilst it runs, Gromit-Style. Wish me luck!


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Review: Lacuna

LACUNA! Another hot tube to add to your collection of hot tubes! This delightful game might be the ultimate choice to put on your coffee table. Or maybe even prop your coffee table up, if you buy four? Although we really wouldn’t recommend it. A pensive puzzler for two players, check it out!

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Podcast #227 – Three* Great* Games!

PriceZone, “My Island” to the Tune of “My Rival”, Marmoset Betrayal

In this inconveniently titled episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Quinns talk about Three* Great* Games! We’re talking about two* cracking* games from Reiner Knizia – Zoo Vadis and My Island, as well as the latest tiny-box game from Devir; Bamboo!

Rarely does my cold and mechanical editors heart chuckle whilst chopping pods, but I made myself laugh with this one. I think it’s good fun*. Enjoy!
*(with caveats)

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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What have you been playing lately? Anything more challenging than expected or that you liked and felt confident you wouldn’t prior to playing?

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