Star Wars: Legion

Warfare is an inescapable part of the Star Wars universe, from the Rebel Alliance’s defeat in the Battle of Hoth to a few elite Rebel strike teams taking on a legion of stormtroopers on the Forest Moon of Endor. You can seize your chance to get your boots on the ground and lead your troops to victory with Star Wars: Legion, a miniatures game of thrilling infantry battles in the Star Wars universe!

Star Wars: Legion invites you to enter the ground battles of the Galactic Civil War as the commander of a unique army of miniatures filled with troopers, powerful ground or repulsor vehicles, and iconic characters like Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker. While innovative mechanics for command and control simulate the fog of war and the chaos of battle, the game’s unpainted, easily assembled minis give you a canvas to create the Star Wars army you’ve always wanted to lead into battle — whether you fight for the monolithic, oppressive Galactic Empire or the ragtag Rebel Alliance.

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Necromunda: Underhive


Deep below the nightmarish, polluted hive cities of Necromunda, in the twisted, dark tunnels of the Underhives, rival gangs fight to the bitter end for personal power, survival and the honour of their Houses.

Designed for 2 players, this is a game of tactics, skill and absolute ruthlessness, set on the iconic hive world of Necromunda. Players choose 1 of the 2 included gangs in the box, and fight brutal skirmishes on the game board using everything at their disposal – ducking behind barricades to survive withering hails of gunfire before popping up and shooting back, placing and overriding traps, using the decrepit, crumbling corridors of the Underhives to unleash precise strikes before scurrying back into the dark. Survival in the Underhives is a difficult and desperate business, where violence is often the only option.

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Warhammer 40,000 (8th edition)


There is no time for peace. No forgiveness. No respite. There is only war.

After more than forty thousand years of war and strife among the stars, Humanity stands on the brink of extinction. Beset on all sides by hostile aliens and threatened from within by traitors, Humanity’s only chance for survival rests with the continuation of the cruel and bloody regime known as the Imperium. Yet few among Mankind’s untold population realise the full truth of their situation. If there is any future at all, it is a grim one…

This is a 280-page hardback, this is the essential book for any fan of Warhammer 40,000 – everything you need to know to collect, build, paint and play with Citadel miniatures.

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Bushido is a miniatures game of savage battles, of cunning stratagems and last-ditch defences, and where debts of honour are paid in blood.

In Bushido, the fate of the world hangs not on armies but on individual heroes, men and women of extraordinary capacity, attuned to the all-permeating life force known as Ki. This force is the very fabric of the universe, and those with the appropriate training or natural talent can tap into this energy source and gain seemingly superhuman powers. In the world of Bushido, the delicate tapestry of Ki – and thus the universe itself –is threatened by the forces of imbalance, and it is up to you to protect it – or help rip it apart. In a game of Bushido, nothing less than the universe itself is at stake. Are you ready for the challenge of the Way of the Warrior?

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Ghostbusters: The Board Game II

Ghostbusters: The Board Game II features an original story by Ghostbusters comics writer Erik Burnham in which the Ghostbusters investigate mood slime that has flooded the city, creating earthquakes and riots in another attempt to bring back Vigo and his minions. In line with the story, the map tiles in the game depict buildings destroyed by earthquakes and fires, as well as collapsed streets that expose sewers infested with slime, tunnels with derailed subway cars, and ghost trains.

This standalone game features new game elements that allow players to:

Switch between Proton and Slime Blower Packs with new custom figures and double-sided Character Cards.
Battle challenging new Plazm enemies that combine into stronger versions to attack and split up in defense; immune to Proton Streams, these phantoms can be taken down only by Ghostbusters wielding Slime Blower packs.
Use new ghosts to bring new Slime tokens that can inhibit the Ghostbusters’ sight, movement, maneuvers and combat rolls.
Recover stolen experimental Ghostbusting equipment and level the playing field with new weapon, trap, utility and tome cards to survive challenging Event Cards and reap the rewards before things go from worse to apocalyptic.

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Cry Havoc


Cry Havoc is a card-driven, asymmetric, area control war game set in a brutal, science fiction setting. Each player commands one of four unique factions with varying abilities and units. The game includes 54 custom miniatures, a large format board, and over one hundred unique cards, all with stunning new artwork.

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Space Hulk


Pit the mighty Blood Angels Terminators against a lethal swarm of agile Genestealers in this two-player board game. Inside the cramped confines of a derelict Space Hulk known as the Sin of Damnation, the Blood Angels must fight to save Mankind from the alien menace that lies within.

Games of Space Hulk are played on a gaming area made up of high-quality card tiles which fit together to create the cramped confines of the Space Hulk. Each of the 16 missions included in the boxed game uses a different set-up, or alternatively you can assemble the pieces in any way you like and create your own bespoke games.

The rules to play the game and 16 missions are all contained within two full colour booklets: the Rulebook and Mission Book. There are also 35 plastic Citadel miniatures, including: 11 Blood Angels Space Marine Terminators, 1 Blood Angels Space Marine Librarian in Terminator armour, 22 Genestealers, and 1 Broodlord. Also included are three plastic mission objectives models: a dead Space Marine on throne, a Blood Angels artefact and a Cyber-Altered Task Unit.

In addition to the booklets and miniatures, you will receive a set of high-quality card tiles that make up the gaming board. Included are: 110 gaming counters, 77 corridor and room sections, 2 new boarding torpedoes , a turbo-lift, 20 doors with plastic stands, 1 mission status display, a sand timer and 5 dice.

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Blood Bowl


The classic game of fantasy football is back!

A combination of strategy, tactics, and absolute mindless violence, Blood Bowl is the classic game of fantasy football. 2 players act as coaches, selecting their teams from rosters of Human and Orcs and taking to the playing field to earn fame, fortune and the adulation of fans along the way!

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Guild Ball


After 12 months of development, Mat Hart and Rich Loxam are pleased to present “Guild Ball”, a tabletop medieval football wargame. Playing the role of the team coach, you will take control of a Guild Ball football (soccer) team and with a combination of tactics and strategy attempt to outscore your opponent whilst simultaneously trying to achieve additional secret political objectives and agendas.

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Kingdom Death: Monster


17 lbs of Nightmare Horror Gaming

224 Page Rulebook, 17 Hard Plastic Sprues of Miniatures, 1000+ Matte Game Cards, 400+ Unique pieces of Art and 86 Full Page Illustrations.
Kingdom Death: Monster is a fully cooperative tabletop hobby game experience. Unite to survive by hunting monsters and collectively guiding the development of your settlement through a 25 year, self-running campaign. Every choice – from each showdown space moved, each desperately crafted piece of gear, to what Principles your settlement upholds – can have lasting impact on this highly replayable and challenging game experience.

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