The 5 Best Small Games To Fill Those Odd Gaps In Your Kallax

One of the games is actually pretty large, that’s the secret sauce

In previous years, debate has raged over what size games should be. Quinns advocated for ‘too big, or too small’. Everyone else argued normal things.

Today, though? The perfect size of game is the one that fits that little gap. That one, right there. You know the one. We’ve found the perfect solution to your problem. Why don’t you go ahead and shove it full of Spectral? Absolutely cram it with Sky Team? Fill it with Ito and Dro Polter and Big Top until the shelves creak and split. There. Perfect.


Editors note: For those interested, my entire copy of Big Top fell down the back of my shelves and I’m not jazzed about the process of digging it out. The things we do. For art.