We’ve been really really busy over these last few months – in some cases you’ll be able to see why (ARCSSSSSS) – and in some cases you’ll see why in The Near Future!

Loads of exciting stuff we’ve been working on is planned for the coming months, but in the meantime we’ve allowed Tom to run off into the wilds for a little rest. To everyone who supports all that we do: THANK YOU. Even though obviously nobody should be supporting that painting.

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The Top 100 Board Games of All Time – Episode 4: RA

RA RA RASPUTIN, LOVER OF THE RUSSIAN QUEEN! This week’s video hopefully won’t feature *any*  witchcraft from oversized gentlemen, as we’re returning for a look at the auction classic RA. It’s the only auction game that Matt likes – but where will it land on the Top 100 board?

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The Top 100 Board Games of All Time – Episode 3: Galaxy Trucker

We’re back with yet another episode of Shut Up & Sit Down’s very own self-imposed sisyphean task: The Top 100!

This time, Tom and Matt are chatting about Galaxy Trucker, gimmick games, and ‘having a bad time in space’. It’s been too long since we’ve sat down to this game, and we had a great time – so great, in fact, that we’ll likely make our very daft playthrough available to donors in the near future.

Thanks for watching everyone! We’ll have some more three-person episodes very soon!

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The Top 100 Board Games of All Time – Episode 2: The Quest for El Dorado

Matt: Our adventure through the Top 100 Board Games of All Time continues, with The Quest for El Dorado! And unfortunately, these boys have been CURSED. Due to technical errors part of this video had to be re-recorded (technically, we didn’t record it). Also, the audio in certain sections is a little bit rough and weird – we did our best to recover what we could, and in the future we won’t get cursed by a board game. THANKS

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The Top 100 Board Games of All Time – Episode 1: Agricola

It’s finally here! After an embarrassing wait, we’re embarking on a ridiculous journey to meticulously document the 100 best board games of all time! This project involved us creating an entirely new workflow, a whole studio setup, and, of course, the most glorious prop ever seen on Shut Up & Sit Down. It’s quite something.

Thank you so much for sticking around as we got this thing cooking. We’re so excited to expand the format, tweaking and changing as we go! We’re aware there’s a few technical scuffs on this one – but nothing that we can’t smooth out over a series of ever more silly episodes.

Agricola, though, what a game! And what a fantastic way to start this series. We really hope you enjoy!

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SU&SD’s Christmas Gift Guide 2023

Matt: Hello and welcome to The Shut Up & Sit Down 2023 Gift Guide Extravaganza-wham-o-palooza-video! We have got an entire pile of games for you, in a variety of different categories.

Tom: We’ve got so many games… it’s too many! Three categories!

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Top 10 Games to Play with Your Family This Christmas

Matt: Hello! My name is Matt from Shut Up & Sit Down, and maybe you want to play a game with your family in the not too distant future.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Today we’re going to go through a bunch of games, most of which are available almost all of the time, because we appreciate it’s a pain in the *** when we say “hey, we love these games” and then you go on the internet and they’ve all gone.

Not only that, we are going to be giving you two options for each of our suggestions – we’re going to go with like “Yes! This is a great suggestion, everyone will love this. You cannot go wrong.” And we’re also going to give you a side suggestion for each game that’s a dash more spicy! And what do we mean by that? The second options will be the sort of thing where you start playing with your dad and then halfway through he says “I don’t understand the rules. I don’t like this. I want to go home.” “Dad, you can’t go home. This is your home. We’ve talked about this. And secondly, I love you, but gosh if you don’t understand how the game works just tell us before we get to the end?”

We got a big stack of games here and we’ve categorized them into all the different types of games that you might want to play. So feel free to just watch it all and pick a favorite, or scrub and jump around like an absolute maniac.

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Summer Update

Hello! Hello! We’re excited to reveal to you all a NEW THING, and our plan for 2023 and beyond! Check out the video (and the future newsletter!) for the deets – in the meantime we’re thrilled to be leaping into unknown waters! Thanks so much for watching and supporting, folks!

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Review: TEN Great, New, Small Games

In this CHUNKY video review, Tom and Quinns are appraising ten (ten!) unique small-box games and telling YOU where the gems are at. All of these games are fabulous, we had a blast playing them, and we hope you enjoy this frankly rather silly little video.

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