SU&SD’s Christmas Gift Guide 2023

Matt: Hello and welcome to The Shut Up & Sit Down 2023 Gift Guide Extravaganza-wham-o-palooza-video! We have got an entire pile of games for you, in a variety of different categories.

Tom: We’ve got so many games… it’s too many! Three categories!

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10 Oink Games Reviewed In 10* Minutes

Bending the very essence of TIME to our wills, this week we’re proud to announce that we’ve managed to compress 21 minutes and 11 seconds into ten minutes of human time. How did we do it? We’ll never tell.

10 Oink games, reviewed in just 10 minutes. Have we missed one of your favourites? Do let us know – there are plenty more Oink games in the sea, and we’ll soon be perfectly positioned to try them after the internet drowns us for the things we’ve said about Deep Sea Adventure.

1:11 Nine Tiles Panic (2019)
2:51 Moneybags (2018)
4:25 A Fake Artist Goes to New York (2012)
6:18 TomaTomato (2018)
8:03 Insider (2016)
10:24 Startups (2017)
12:26 Troika (2017)
13:32 Zogen (2018)
14:33 Deep Sea Adventure (2014)
17:10 Flotsam Fight (2018)


There are six companies that will change the world as we know it! You can be part of their success and be a investor. Try to become rich by making the right decisions!

Only the one biggest investor can get money out of each company. You must try to read the next steps of your rivals and use your capital and your three hidden cards to win against them and become the biggest shareholder!

You have to be lucky in this game but you must also think about your moves and analyze your rivals! You can play this card game with only a few players but also with many!

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