Feature: A Day in the Life of Paul’s Game Collection!

Paul: Welcome! Welcome to a very particular corner of my home. While apartment life in Vancouver doesn’t afford me the sort of cavernous attic that we peeped into when Quinns talked about his game collection, I do have a very particular place where I keep mine, all safe and warm and pristine. Welcome to my Games Closet. Welcome to the home of my fun. Please, take my hand as I invite you into a midnight tour of a very snug, very intimate space in my life. Don’t worry! You’re quite safe. Now, walk this way with me. Walk this way. Just around here. Toward the light…

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Games News! 11/01/2016


Quinns: Like bears waking up from hibernation, Team SU&SD is rousing from its slumber!

Paul’s crawling out from beneath a pile of board games and Matt’s almost finished dislodging his life-saving fecal plug made from digested Pandemic Legacy cards. We’ll be mailing it to one lucky SU&SD reader!

We’ve got a hell of a year coming up for you, ladies & gents. This month we’re planning reviews of Flick ‘em Up, Blood Rage, Food Chain Magnate and Concordia, we haven’t forgotten about Expansionanuary, there’s a brand-new regular feature soon to be revealed and we already have plans for the site’s 5th birthday.

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