A La Carte

A La Carte

To begin A la carte, you receive a stove and pan with which to cook a range of delectable dishes. Each player then selects a meal and attempts to skillfully complete it by adjusting the heat level of their stoves to the perfect level, or pouring spices into the dish to get them just right. You can also take a coffee break in order to exchange stoves with another player, gain an extra turn, decrease the heat on rivals’ stoves, or even add spices to another player’s dish in an attempt to ruin it. It’s all fair game in A la carte.

To win, complete as many meals as possible, since each one adds to your score at the end of the game. Any time you lose a dish because it is overheated or overspiced, you’ll lose precious points. So, work quickly to get ahead, and do your best to avoid any catastrophes that could fork your chances of winning.

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City of Remnants

City of Remnants

Wage open war on the streets of Gatorum.

Develop your territory with various criminal establishments.

Buy illegal weapons and tech on the black market.

Hire the finest killers, thieves, and scammers money can buy.

Avoid gaining the attention of Yugai security forces.

In City of Remnants, two to four players vie for power in a dystopian world. Many paths to victory lay before you. Bid for gang members who provide a variety of shady skills. Get an edge with weapons and other sundrys from the black market. Build districts that can provide you with advantages, production and income, but beware, because a greedy opponent might sweep in and take over the work of your own hands.

City of Remnants combines strong resource management, auction, and conversion mechanics with spatial tactics, assymetric player powers, area control and direct conflict. A variety of tools, different every game, are at your disposal to build up your gang and claim the city for yourself. But watch out for the Yugai police force, who will meddle with everyone’s plans! Create your own path to victory with this outstanding debut game from designer Isaac Vega.

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Stone Age


Each age has its special challenges. The stone age was shaped by the emergence of agriculture, the processing of useful resources, and by the building of simple huts. Trade begins and grows and civilization takes root and spreads. In addition, traditional abilities like skillful hunting are in demand, in order to be able to nourish the growing population.

The goal of the players is to master all these challenges. There are many ways to do so, so everyone can work to achieve his goal in his own way.

Find your own way and learn at the end whether it was the best way.

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A Warp rift has erupted near the Antian Sector, and under its baleful influence Chaos infestations and other abhorrent phenomena have surfaced. To face this threat, agents of the Imperium have come forth: Space Marine, Inquisitor, Commissar, Rogue Trader, and more. To succeed, such heroes will need skill and weaponry, courage and faith, and even the assistance of ancient and powerful relics.

Relic is a board game in which two to four players each assume the role of a powerful hero from the Warhammer 40,000 universe and bravely venture forth to shield the Antian Sector from certain doom. By completing missions and defeating enemies, characters compete to gain rewards and experience, furthering their chance of being the first to defeat whatever evil lies beyond the Warp rift.

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Love Letter

Love Letter

In the wake of the queen’s arrest, all the eligible young men of Tempest (and many not so young) seek to woo Princess Annette. Unfortunately, she has locked herself in the palace, and everyone must rely on those within the palace to bring their romantic letters to her. Will yours reach her first?

Love Letter is a game of risk, deduction, and luck, for 2–4 players. Get your love letter into Princess Annette’s hands while keeping other players’ letters away. Powerful cards lead to early gains, but make you a target. Rely on weaker cards for too long and your letter may be tossed in the fire!

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Life in the village is hard – but life here also allows the inhabitants to grow and prosper as they please. One villager might want to become a friar. Another might feel ambitious and strive for a career in public office. A third one might want to seek his luck in distant lands.

Each player will take the reins of a family and have them find fame and glory in many different ways. There is one thing you must not forget, however: Time will not stop for anyone and with time people will vanish. Those who will find themselves immortalized in the village chronicles will bring honor to their family and be one step closer to victory.

Village is a game full of tactical challenges. A smart and unique new action mechanism is responsible for keeping turns short and yet still tactically rich and full of difficult decisions. Also unique is the way this game deals with the delicate subject of death; as a natural and perpetual part of life in the village, thoughts of death will keep you focused on smart time-management.

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Neuroshima Hex!

Neuroshima Hex!

Neuroshima HEX is a dynamic wargame set in the post-apocaliptic world of Neuroshima RPG. Each player commands his army and tries to place his units (tiles) on the board in the most efficient way; the object is the destruction of your enemy’s HQ buildings. In the box you will find four different armies: The Hegemony, The Outpost, The Mutants and The Moloch.

Neuroshima HEX is expanded by two expansions: Babel 13 and Duel. Both of them introduce new armies and new boards that differ the gameplay.

Neuroshima HEX has two foreign editions, US edition by Z-Man Games and French edition by IELLO.

On May 2007 Neuroshima Hex was awarded a special jury distinction for the Best Polish Designer Game published in 2006

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Race for the Galaxy

Race for the Galaxy

In Race for the Galaxy, players build galactic civilizations by game cards that represent worlds or technical and social developments.Each round consists of one or more of five possible phases. In each round, each player secretly and simultaneously chooses one of seven different action cards and then reveals it. Only the selected phases occur.

For these phases, every player performs the phase’s action, while the selecting player(s) also get a bonus for that phase.For example, if at least one player chooses the Develop action, then the Develop phase will occur; otherwise it is skipped. In it, each player may simultaneously select a development from his hand of cards to build. After revealing the cards, each player adds his development to his tableau of cards on the table and then discards cards from his hand equal to its cost.

The player who best manages his cards, phase and bonus selections, and card powers to build the greatest space empire, wins.The winner is the player with the most victory points.

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Dungeon Petz

Dungeon Petz

“What this town needs is a pet store.” No one knows which imp said it, but every imp recognized the idea was pure genius: “A pet shop for dungeon lords? What a great idea! Yeah, and no one else is doing it! No competition! We’ll be rich!”

And now you have just opened the first pet shop in town. Right next door to the other first pet shop in town. Across the street from two more.

Buy baby monsters! Feed them and watch them grow! Clean their cages!

Yes, running a pet store is exciting for an imp. But it can also be mentally challenging: What is the smartest way to win the upcoming exhibition? Which pet is best suited for your dungeon lord customer? How strong a cage do you need, and if you guess wrong, how many family members will be maimed?

Win or lose, you are sure to enjoy the grand opening of Dungeon Petz.

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Fortress America

Fortress America

Fortress America is a board game of strategy and survival for two to four players. This updated version of the 1986 classic pits one player, in control of the beleaguered American forces, against up to three others, who team up to assault the U.S. on three fronts.

Featuring beautifully crafted components (including over 300 detailed plastic figures), Fortress America thrusts players into a frightening geopolitical scenario in which diplomacy has failed, and World War III has begun.

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