Shut Up & Sit Down play Twilight Imperium

October 15, 2012 Let’s Play Twilight Imperium, Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition Have you heard of a board game called Twilight Imperium? It’s only the biggest, most colourful boardgame in existence today. Would you like to watch two board game celebrities play an entire, EIGHT HOUR game of it? No? Screw you, then.

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The “Very Third” Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast

podcast, language, Mage Knight, eating ice

Paul: As well as bouncing between topics like a pinball between flippers, this is an important podcast for us for two reasons. First, we’re announcing an exciting thing and second, we’re also asking you, our audience, an important question about a decision we’re thinking of making. But we won’t make it without consulting you first. … Read more

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Review: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game

board games, miniatures games, mostly giggles, NIGHT BEAST
Review: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game

Quinns: BAAAA! Ba-da-baa! Ba-ba-da-ba (ba-ba-ba-ba) ba-ba-da-ba (ba-ba-ba-ba) ba-ba-da-ba (ba-ba-ba-ba) ba-ba-da-ba ba baaaaaa… BA BA BA BAAAA. BAAA! Ba ba ba BAAA ba! Ba ba ba BAAAA ba! Ba-bam-ba-baaaa…

That is me singing the STAR WARS theme. I am singing it for you. It is a special treat.

Fantasy Flight’s owned the Star Wars license for more than a year now,
but all that’s meant for us is one passable card game. Until today. The X-Wing Miniatures Game is THE release this month. Tiny, pre-painted spaceships, jinking past lasers that could reduce them to a sneeze in less time than it takes an extra to scream “I’M HIT”.

But SHOULD YOU BUY IT? Short answer: “Yes.” Long answer: “Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaah,” followed by a thoughtful pause and a speech like this…

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Review: Warrior Knights

Warrior Knights

September 18, 2012 Reviews Warrior Knights Paul’s away! And while Paul’s away, Quinns can review Fantasy Flight’s re-imagining of Warrior Knights! But that’s just for starters. Medieval Strategy Week is just getting started. It’s starting. Here we go.

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Season 2 – Episode 5


September 9, 2012 Reviews, Specials Mundus Novus, Kingdom Builder, String Railway, Space Cadets, Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery, Defenders of the Realm, Pandemic, Ghost Stories, Space Alert, Middle-Earth Quest, Catan The summer of 2012 is over! It’s disappearing, like a boiled egg into the hungry belly of time. But don’t be sad! The … Read more

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Impressions: August

Nuclear midwifery, Sweaty dinosaurs, Mama why you done put our gas in the hall again
Flash Point: Fire Rescue

Quinns: London’s enduring an apocalyptic heatwave right now. I’m typing this with ice cubes taped to my neck, and Paul is lying face-down on the floor. We’re trying to stay hydrated, but liquid just comes flying out of us with the velocity of a water pistol.

Paul: I feel like a massive armpit. BUT it has been the perfect time to enjoy games in the sunshine. And then get bitten by everything, ever.

Quinns: Trust us when we say we’re in no state to review anything right now. Instead, enjoy a summery summary of what we’ve been playing this month. No less than THREE hot new board games, each hotter than the last.

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Review: Hive

Hive, Spock, Do insects make Paul aroused?
Review: Hive

Paul: What is Hive? That sounds like some horrid illness, some terrible disease. “I’ve got Hive Pocket!”
you shout down the telephone to your GP, sweaty hand gripping the receiver.

Quinns: Paul, telephones are all mobile nowadays, and your GP will just tell you that Hive is a two player board game without a board.

Paul: And then I would faint.

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The Second Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast

podcast, dropsy, arachnids, mammals

Paul: Yep, that’s right, your eyes do not deceive you and nor do your ears. Shut Up & Sit Down is back and tightly, trimly encoded into a 64kbps podcast, streamlined for your pleasure. Just like your lunch break, it’s almost but not quite an hour long, far too fattening and ultimately nothing more than … Read more

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The We Are Back! Podcast, Because We Are Back

podcast, mammals, arachnids, dropsy
The We Are Back! Podcast, Because We Are Back

(Look, I tried to find pictures of us holding microphones, okay? OKAY?!)

Paul: Yep, that’s right, your eyes do not deceive you and nor do your ears. Shut Up & Sit Down is back and tightly, trimly encoded into a 64kbps podcast, streamlined for your pleasure and available for download right here. Just like your lunch break, it’s almost but not quite an hour long, far too fattening and ultimately nothing more than the briefest respite from the black and tentacled horrors of reality.

In this second podcast, between sips of tea, we talk about games we’ve played this summer, games we’re going to try and review in the coming months and even two particularly wicked games that we hold nothing but hatred for. That’s right, hatred! Can you guess which games those are?

Well, here’s the roll call. Step forward Dominant Species, El Grande, Dungeon Petz,Hive, Mag Blast, Munchkin, Labyrinth, Glen More, Citadels, Pictomania, 7 Wonders, Baron Munchausen, Virgin Queen, Warriors & Traders, The Resistance: Avalon (for which we don’t have a link yet!) and, for the briefest of mentions Flash Point: Fire Rescue, where we don’t talk enough about the excitement of driving the ambulance or taking control of the water cannon.

Also, anyone interested in finding out more about Henry, Lord Darnley should read this.

From here on, it’s full steam ahead, and we’ll be vigorously pumping out all sorts of exciting content in the weeks and months to come. Are you ready? Don’t kid yourself, you’re not remotely ready.

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