AwShux!? It’s Saturday’s Schedule!

Oh my, there’s a whole second day of AwSHUX, the world’s finest digital boardgame convention? And it’s happening today?! Where can I sign up?! Let me walk you through what’s occurin’…

Well, first off, you can mosey on down by going to – and while you’re at it, why not grab yourself a collection of pals new and old to hit the tables with? We’ve set up a delicious discord server that’ll help you find a group – whether you want to demo something new or have a go at something old.

What if you wanted… To BUY those games? Don’t you worry none, my sweet summer child – we’ve got a whole store set up for all kinds of excellent adventures of the cardboard variety! And what about some duds to cover yourself in whilst you play those games? We’ve got you covered there, too, with a most excellent garment factory.

Lastly, but by no means leastly, we’ve also got a bunch of giveaways over the weekend that you can sign up for here!

Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend!

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