SU&SD’s Top 50 Games Ever, 2015! #20 to #11

Imperial Assault

Quinns: We are entering the teens! Steady as she goes, operator.

Operator: Sir, the site was never built for this! She’s going to buckle under the pressure!

Quinns: There’s no turning back now. We’d never make it. The only way out… is through.

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Games News! 08/09/14

Games News! 08/09/14

Quinns: Morning, everyone. The bad news is, you’re all going to die because the end of the world is coming. The good news is, you can pick your flavour of ragnarok.

I’m referring to Fantasy Flight’s new range of pen and paper role-playing games! From left to right they’ll cover zombies, angry gods, aliens and murderous machines. In a great little twist, though, all the players control themselves. So, Paul Dean and Matt Lees having to use their real-life skills to survive when their fridges and lawnmowers start wanting them dead.

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