‘We Reviewed Ten Great Small Games’, Podcast Edition!

In this algorithm-friendly episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Quinns are FINISHING WHAT THEY STARTED. This episode of the podcast is something of a companion piece to our Top 10 Small Games video, and we’re chatting just a little bit more about some of the best games on that list.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

 Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Review: TEN Great, New, Small Games

In this CHUNKY video review, Tom and Quinns are appraising ten (ten!) unique small-box games and telling YOU where the gems are at. All of these games are fabulous, we had a blast playing them, and we hope you enjoy this frankly rather silly little video.

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Hungry Monkey

Once upon a time, Hungry Monkey searched for his lost breakfast bean in the jungle. He asked the other animals for help, from Swift Sparrow to King Tiger, but they all ignored his pleas. Until Tiny Ant climbed into Tiger’s ear and ordered him to help. King Tiger was scared by the voice in his … Read more

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