Galaxy Trucker

|Galaxy Trucker: Anniversary Edition|

In a galaxy far, far away… they need sewer systems, too. Corporation Incorporated builds them. Everyone knows their drivers — the brave men and women who fear no danger and would, if the pay was good enough, even fly through Hell.

Now you can join them. You will gain access to prefabricated spaceship components cleverly made from sewer pipes. Can you build a space ship durable enough to weather storms of meteors? Armed enough to defend against pirates? Big enough to carry a large crew and valuable cargo? Fast enough to get there first?

In Galaxy Trucker, players will frantically race to build a space-worthy space ship, simultaneously grabbing tiles from a pile of parts in the center of the table. Players can add engines, phasers, crew modules, cargo modules, shields, and all sorts of parts to their ship.

Once players finish building their ships, they launch into space. One at a time, cards are revealed showing a current event in the flight mission. You’ll encounter good things, such planets full of goods to load and abandoned space ships to commandeer, and decidedly less good things, such as space pirates and asteroid fields.

The player best able to survive the rigors of these flights (it’s not easy, as your ship will repeatedly be tested in its ability to not fall apart) while also earning the most cash will earn the title of Galaxy Trucker.

Galaxy Trucker: Anniversary Edition is a special release of Galaxy Trucker which includes all expansions to date. Experienced galaxy truckers will appreciate the increased difficulty (sometimes bordering on insane!) the expansions can provide, while even less experienced truckers will appreciate the game to game variety the expansions afford.

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Podcast #51: The Pearple’s Choice Awards

We don’t want to tell you how to live your life but you might want to put on a tie or a string of pearls or BOTH before listening to thisĀ very classy podcast. The results of the inaugral Pearple’s Choice Awards are in and noteworthy hosts Paul Dean and Quintin Smith discuss the games that won Best Expansion of 2016, Best Reprint and (of course) Best Game. They chat about some old classics they’ve played over the festive season, like City of Remnants and Galaxy Trucker. Finally, they want to tell you about a folk game that’s come all the way from Peru. 2016 has been a spectacular year for board games and once again, next year looks even more exciting. This can’t be sustainable. Or can it?

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