Podcast #150 – A Space, A Siege, A Christmas Surprise!

In this wobbly 150th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, a freshly-jabbed Tom and perfectly off-kilter Matt are ready to tell YOU about SOME GAMES!

Matt regales us with the story of him crushing my space station in Star Scrappers:Orbital! We pretend to know all about wargames with Freedom! Tom rambles about his UKGE adventures in a smushed up-special!

And before you listen to this most excellent podcast, dear listener; a fun tidbit. We were going to do a big chunky roundup of all the exciting things Tom saw at UKGE, but so much of it was sufficiently interesting or strange that we’re going to save it for future, more in-depth coverage. Stay tuned for some opinions, and some hot, hot games!

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