Podcast #101: Donkeys Behind Enemy Lines

Ringing in the new year with a podcast recorded *checks notes* … last year, Matt and Quinns are coming right at you from PAX Unplugged, with a plethora of exciting games to chat about. If you’d rather watch this episode and pretend you were there, we’ve got you covered with a lovely “YouTube Video“. It’ll never catch on.

If you’ve been missing the podcast over the last few months, don’t be alarmed – we’ll be back in regular action very soon. Thanks all!

Thanks again to our amazing community for creating these podcast transcripts – usually completed within a week of the podcast’s release.

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GAMES NEWS! 01/04/19

Quinns: Everybody, please give a warm welcome to a new gladiator in the news arena. Intern Kylie is here to write news and drink tea, and she’s well aware it’s not tea time.

Did that sound badass? I’m pretty sure it did. Kylie, take it away.

Kylie: Capstone Games has announced a special 20th anniversary reprint of a Splotter Spellen classic, Bus. Splotter Spellen is the Dutch team behind Food Chain Magnate and the bucolic and bizarre Roads & Boats. Sadly, they’re also known for sparse print runs and a lot of their games are nigh-on impossible to find. This year, they’re letting another publish reprint one of their grand designs.

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