This March In Shut Up & Sit Down!

Tom: MARCH MARCHES ONWARDS, IT’S KIND OF COLD BUT GETTING NICER. Here’s what’s happening in Shut Up & Sit Down this month!

Very, very, very soon you can expect a video from Quinns on the fabulous indie RPG ‘Alice Is Missing’! If you’re a fan of ‘SU&SD Videos Persuading You To Buy Something’ then boy howdy, it’s a good day to be you. Following that, I’ve got a review in the works covering a smattering of Word Games I’ve been dabbling in recently – and only one of them is a board game! That’s right, we’re getting WEIRD with it!

We’ll see what else March holds, though. I’ve got a little holiday booked, Matt is making his new house have such luxuries as this thing called ‘Electricity’, and Quinns is getting on with what sounds like a very interesting video over on PMG. So we could be in for another slightly slower month whilst we find our feet in 2023. Some hurdles have been cleared already – I’ve moved into my new flat, and had the first good night’s sleep in about a year and a half! Such joy! But there’s still a few things to sort before we can get the schedule back on track. Thanks so much for your patience with this more comfortable schedule whilst we get everything in order.

Podcasts-wise, we hit a small hitch where one member of the team deleted an entire podcast by accident, so we’re one pod down! I won’t reveal the human responsible, but their name starts with a T and ends in an M. But fear not – we’ll work to keep the games flowing! This month, we’ve got what should be a really interesting podcast where myself and Quinns chat about our time playing Mahjong for review, and the reasons that Quinns didn’t want to proceed turning that script into a full on video. There’s potential for a podcast about John Company 2e, if I can find 3 more fools who might want to take on that journey, and I’m thinking about the potential for a Brass: Birmingham retrospective episode now that the game has ascended into the top spot on the BGG top 100. I’m also about to start gathering people into my nice new living room to work through the stacked in-tray that I’ve accrued, which should fill in the gaps.

That’s March! What have you been up to, everybody?

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Ava’s Solo SoloCast

Big Discs, Endless Components, The Resistance of your Kitchen Table

In this completely solitary episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Ava is taking you through a triplet of solo games in this meandering river of a podcast! She’s talking through Oranienburger Canal , Maquis, and Mage Knight – a smattering of solo for your Friday evening.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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A PAX Redux!

The ‘Tom’s Not Here’ Cast, Spicy Decisions, SHARK CENTRAL

In this mildly nostalgic episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Matt and Ava are casting their eyes back to PAX Unplugged… to re-explain some of the games we goofed up the first time. ‘Scharfing’ Sauces in Sauscharf, ‘Deliverering’ Pizzas in Psychic Pizza Deliverers Go To The Ghost Town, and acting like a total ‘Shark’ in… Shark! Enjoy!

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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Review: Horseless Carriage

Bad Bad Cars, A Nuts Puzzle, The Next Food Chain Magnate?

No horses in this game, no sir. Just car. Big horse made of metal. Kind of like a cow made of metal if we’re being real. Cowless Carriage isn’t as good a name though, plus it doesn’t make any sense. I really like the name of this game, y’know? Horseless Carriage. It’s maybe my favourite name of any tabletop game. I didn’t say that in the review because I couldn’t find a place for it, but I think it’s a true fact. Oath is pretty close behind, swiftly followed by Hey That’s My Fish.


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The Collectible Card Game Special!

This Is Just The ‘Zimus’ Appreciation Episode, Zimus 4 Lyf

[apologies for some slightly wonky audio on this one – it’s another one-mic-two-boys special!]

In this close quarters episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Quinns are having a natter about two very interesting Collectible Card Games they’ve played recently – Flesh & Blood and SolForge Fusion! Enjoy nearly an hour of rambling chat where we don’t entirely know what we’re talking about – but are having fun regardless.
Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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This February In Shut Up & Sit Down

Tom: Hello folks! Welcome to Wednesday, the very first of February! You’re reading this direct from the café where I’ve set up a temporary office to fill out our monthly schedule, to craft this very post, and to write our next video review! It’s all very exciting. I’ve got my laptop, a big coffee, an HP Deskjet 2710e, a second monitor, and a massive boom mic for a quick podcast record while I’m here. My ‘associates’ should be arriving any minute.

Let’s talk about videos! Our next review will be for the hot new Splotter game – Horseless Carriage! You can look forward to that, hopefully, next week. Where does it sit in the Splotter Canon? You’re going to have to wait to find out, but I should hope it’ll be an interesting video. The next video after that will be the first from Quinns this year – on yet another classic family-weight game involving pleasing, clacky components! What might it be? I’m going to leave this one as a teaser, just for fun!

Audio-wise, we’ve got some treats! This week’s pod will be the fabled CCG Double-Feature, where myself and Quinns go head to head in a… well, hopefully quite a nice chat about two interesting new CCGs! After that, you can expect a smattering of ‘what have we been playing’ podcasts, as well as some full-fat-thoughts on Paperback Adventures! I’m hoping, too, that we might even have something special ready for the end of the month, but I’ll tease no more than that.

Lastly, what about streams? Yesterday we played some Against The Storm, a fascinating little Roguelike City Builder! That, and the previous stream, will be available as VODs over on the Twitch. Next week’s stream will most likely be a Destiny 2 dungeon or two with a couple friends of the show, schedules permitting, and the week after that we’ll be playing some of the digital implementation of Paperback Adventures.

That’s the month! Some great stuff coming down the pipe for you all to look forward to – hopefully not too messed around by me moving into a new flat! Wish us luck, we’re hoping to get the paperwork signed so I can continue on living life as normally as a professional board game reviewer can. Thanks everyone! What have you been up to, recently?

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Facing Total SpaceDeath in Stationfall

Mister Pringles’ Bad Deals, A Monkey With A Gun, A Rat Who Tells You What To Do

In this rapidly plummeting episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Matt are talking about Stationfall and Deal with the Devil – two games that we didn’t quite love, but really enjoyed thinking about!

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Review: Rummikub

A Critical Crisis, Rude Shapes, Brass Bottom Text

It’s the first video of the year, and Tom is blowing off the cobwebs with a quick ramble about Rummikub – the classic family tile-laying game that he’s been playing for years! Sorry about the crisis at the start. It happens this time of year.


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